6 possible consequences of driving disqualification
There are many different reasons why you can get a driving disqualification, for example for driving under the influence of alcohol or if you drive more than 50 kilometres per hour too fast. Everyone understands that a driving disqualification means that you lose your driving licence for a certain period of time. However, most people do not realise that a driving disqualification can have major consequences, for example, for your car insurance. Not only during the driving disqualification, but also afterwards. It seems so simple: once you have your driving licence back, there is nothing more to worry about, is there? However, for insurers it does not work like that. Moreover, it is not always as 'simple' as just handing in your driving licence. A driving disqualification sometimes has major consequences. On GeenNee.nl we go deeper into the possible consequences.
#1 Fine
In addition to a driving disqualification, you can also be imposed a hefty fine. The amount of the fine depends on the reason for the driving disqualification. Do you have a driving disqualification because of a speeding violation (more than 50 km/h too fast)? In that case the amount of the speeding will be assessed as well as whether the speeding took place in or outside of a built-up area or on a motorway. If there were road works at the location where you were speeding, the fine will also be higher. The fine can be as much as €2,800.
Have you been disqualified from driving because you were behind the wheel with alcohol? Then the amount of the fine depends on the alcohol level. A distinction is made between a beginner driver and an experienced driver. If the blood alcohol level is 1.31 or higher, the amount of the fine is determined by the judge.
#2 Imprisonment
For some offences that lead to a driving disqualification you can also be given community service. The amount of your punishment depends on the danger you caused and whether you drove too fast or got behind the wheel with alcohol. Also, if you cause an accident with injury or death while driving drunk or speeding, you may be given community service or perhaps even jail time. For drink driving, community service of up to 240 hours is often imposed.
#3 Car insurance cancellation
A driving disqualification often has major consequences for your car insurance. When you are disqualified, insurers have the right to terminate the insurance. Of course, you are not allowed to drive during your disqualification, but as soon as it expires you will probably want to drive again. Your car should be insured then. If the insurer cancels your car insurance because of your driving disqualification, you will have to take out a new insurance policy before you can drive again. However, taking out a new car insurance policy also brings problems with it.
#4 Car can no longer be insured if driving disqualification is imposed
With a driving disqualification you can get coverage from few regular insurance companies. Whether you can get car insurance from a regular insurance company depends on:
- How long the driving disqualification lasts
- On which date the driving disqualification was imposed
- Why the driving disqualification was imposed
At Alpina, we always try to place you with a normal insurer at normal rates first, but this is not always successful. When that fails, you can always turn to the Vereende. De Vereende specializes in insuring special risks and damages. Because of the wide acceptance policy they accept in principle everyone. As a result, even people with a registration due to a driving disqualification, criminal record or non-payment can take out insurance here. This does come with some additional costs. You pay a higher premium than with other companies. You also have to pay three months of premium in advance. Finally, you pay a deposit.
#5 Getting a new driving licence
Is this the second time in 5 years that you get a driving disqualification for drink driving? Or do you refuse to cooperate with an alcohol test (breathalyser or blood test)? Then you fall under the so-called recidivism regulation and your driving licence will be declared invalid. In that case, you must take your driving licence again. This means that you have to take your theory test again, take your test again, and that the CBR will examine you medically and psychologically before you are allowed on the road again.
#6 CIS registration
The registration of driving disqualifications in the CIS database has been approved by the Ministry of Transport. For insurers, it is of great importance to know whether a person's driving licence has ever been denied. After someone has been disqualified in this way, the data is supplied by the Public Prosecutor's Office and he or she remains registered for five years with Stichting Centraal Informatie Systeem. A CIS registration affects your car insurance.
Difficulty obtaining car insurance? Take out a car insurance with de Vereende on GeenNee.nl!
At Alpina, we are happy to help you insure your car. You can first apply to a regular insurance company. Is your application not accepted? Then you can always turn to the Vereende. For questions about taking out car insurance, you can always contact our insurance specialists. You can reach us Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at 030 - 688 37 00. You can also always send us a message via chat, WhatsApp or Messenger.
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