Why report insurance fraud?

Reportinginsurance fraud is difficult, especially if it is only a suspicion. Yet it is always wise to report a suspicion. What many people do not realise is that they themselves are the victims of insurance fraud. The more fraud is committed, the more the insurance premiums increase. It is therefore often the honest consumer who pays for insurance fraud. Here we explain where you can report insurance fraud.

Where can I report insurance fraud?

You can report insurance fraud to the Insurance Fraud Control Centre (CBV) of the Dutch Association of Insurers. The CBV was established specifically to help insurers combat insurance crime. Not only insurance fraud, but also cybercrime, extortion, blackmail, money laundering or corruption among staff and business relations.

If you prefer not to make the report in person, you can do so anonymously. In that case you do not have to mention your name and you remain anonymous. You can report insurance fraud by sending an e-mail to [email protected] or by calling 070-333 85 00.

What types of insurance fraud can I report?

You can report all types of insurance fraud. There are also some forms that you might not immediately recognise as insurance fraud, so we will briefly explain them below:

Insurance fraud when applying for insurance

Deliberately lying or withholding information on an insurance application is a form of insurance fraud. For instance, by not giving an honest answer to the acceptance questions of the insurer. Often you will be asked whether your insurance has ever been cancelled or refused by an insurer, whether you have ever been disqualified from driving and whether you have a criminal past. The insurer expects you to answer truthfully. If you fail to do so, you are committing insurance fraud.

denounce insurance fraud

Claiming more damage than was actually suffered

Communicating incorrect facts to the insurer. For example, exaggerating the actual damage or the number of items stolen so that the insurer pays a higher compensation. Insurers call these opportunistic fraudsters. People who misuse the situation in order to benefit themselves. For example, by claiming an extra laptop, iPad or expensive television they did not even own, if their house is broken into.

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Pretending to suffer damage or distorting facts

Sometimes there are damages that are not covered by the insurance. For example when someone has damage to the windscreen of his car, but is only insured under WA. To get a refund of the windscreen damage you need a WA + limited casco car insurance. By quickly adjusting the insurance coverage and only then claiming the damage, someone still tries to get compensation. Also items that are lost or broken are often reported as stolen.

Intentionally causing damage

The deliberate causing of damage, for example by staging a collision or burglary. An insurer must then be able to prove that it really is insurance fraud. Not an easy task. That is why they always launch an investigation when fraud is suspected.

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