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Home Without a driving license

Scooter insurance without a driver's license

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To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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All about scooter insurance without a license

Everyone knows that you can't ride a scooter without a license. But what about buying and insuring a scooter if you don't have a driver's license (yet)? It is often thought that insuring a scooter without a driving license is impossible or very difficult. Unjustified, because you can also insure a scooter without a driving license. You can only not go to each insurer. Of course you want to know which insurers you can go to, so we have included this in our online comparer.

Can I buy a scooter without a driving licence?

Yes, you can buy a scooter without a driving licence. When transferring the license plate to your name, you will have to show proof of identity. This does not necessarily have to be a driving license, you can also identify yourself with an ID card or passport. As soon as the scooter's registration number is in your name, you will be obliged to take out a scooter insurance. You have to insure your scooter at least WA. Without a driving licence you are not allowed to drive a scooter, but you can buy one in advance. Some insurance companies will not allow you to have a scooter insurance without a driving licence.

Do not drive a scooter without a licence

If you do not have a driving licence yet, you are not allowed to ride a scooter. Not only is it dangerous and punishable, you are also not insured. In case of an accident, the consequences may be incalculable. An insurance company may refuse to reimburse you for the damage, which means that you will have to bear the costs yourself. Imagine that you hit someone with your scooter and that person becomes disabled. The physical injury is serious enough and the costs can run into the (tens of) thousands of euros. If the insurer does not pay out, you will have to pay for the financial damage yourself. You may have to pay for this for life.

Insuring a scooter without a driving licence: is that possible?

Yes, even without a driver's license, you can simply insure your scooter. You just can't get insurance from every insurer. To find out which insurers will cover you without a driver's license, use our online comparison tool. We have already made a distinction in our comparison tool between insurers who require a driving license and those who also accept people without one. At we always try to first place you with a regular insurer at normal rates. Is this not possible? Then we can always place you with De Vereende. Through the comparer, you can compare and conclude scooter insurance even without a driver's license.

Lending out scooters? Be critical!

The owner is responsible for the moped, even if it is lent out. Damage caused by someone borrowing the mopedwill be charged to your moped insurance. You will therefore lose any claim-free years and also pay the fines for the traffic offences. So be very critical when lending out your moped.

You must insure your scooter even without a driving licence

Even if you only start riding the scooter when you have your driving licence, the scooter still needs to be insured. Even if the scooter is standing unused in the shed, the insurance obligation will still exist. If you are temporarily not going to use the vehicle, you can suspend the insurance obligation. Therefore, always take out a scooter insurance, as soon as the license plate is in your name. Use our online comparator to find out where you can best insure your scooter.

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