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The central database Roy Data

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All about Roy Data

Roy Data is the central database of the EPS Foundation (Efficient Processes Claims Insurers). During the term of your car insurance, you build up claim-free years. Your insurer registers the claim-free years in Roy Data. If you terminate the insurance policy, you can use these claim-free years again for a new car insurance policy. The new insurer consults Roy Data to see how many claim-free years you have accumulated. This allows them to award the correct premium discount.

For whom is Roy Data intended?

Roy Data is intended for both insurer and policyholder. When cancelling a car insurance, the insurer is obliged to enter the number of accumulated claim-free years in Roy Data. Every insurer can request data in Roy Data. If you take out a new car insurance, the insurer will check your claim-free years in Roy Data. So you know for sure that you will get the right premium discount. You do not even have to do anything for this. Until 1 September 2007 this was different, because then you had to prove your claim-free years with an annulment statement. However, paper declarations are easily lost, so that it was not always possible to determine how many claim-free years someone had built up. That is why insurers switched to a digital system in 2007.

How long will my data remain in Roy Data?

During the term of your insurance policy, your accrued claim-free years are fixed in your car insurance policy. When the insurance policy is terminated, these accrued claim-free years are released. Your insurer then registers them in Roy-data. Claim-free years do not remain valid indefinitely. After cancelling your insurance, with most insurers your claim-free years are valid for another 3 years. With some insurers this is only 2 years, with others 4 or even 5 years. You can find how long your claim-free years are valid with your insurer in the policy conditions of your insurance.

Please note: claims-free years will only be entered into Roy Data once your car insurance has been terminated. Is your insurance still running, but would you like to know your claim-free years? Please contact your insurer. These claim-free years are not yet registered in Roy Data.

View Roy Data

You as a policyholder can also view your claim-free years in Roy Data. This is done via the website of Stichting EPS. There you can fill in the right of inspection form. Send this form, together with a copy of your proof of identity, via the website. Please note that the data are not always up to date. If you still have a car insurance policy, the claim-free years you accrued during this term are not yet included in the database. You can request these from your current car insurance company. In addition, these are also on the policy sheet you receive annually.

Roy Data claim-free years

During the term of your car insurance you build up claim-free years. Claim-free years are years in which you have not claimed any damage with the insurer. For each claim-free year you go up one step on the bonus malus ladder. The higher you are on the bonus malus ladder, the more premium discount you will receive. So the amount you pay monthly for your car insurance goes down. By driving damage-free, you can build up a discount of up to 70 or 80% with most insurers. These claim-free years are, after termination of the insurance, registered in Roy Data.

Roy Data retrieval

You can request your Roy Data data online. However, as a policyholder it is often not necessary to view the data online. Once a year you will receive a policy certificate from your insurer stating the number of claim-free years you have accrued. Have you lost your policy document or do you want to check your claim-free years on Roy Data? Then you can use the right of inspection form on the website of Stichting EPS. Fill in your personal details. After sending the form, it may take a while before you receive your claim-free years. In most cases, this takes a maximum of 28 days.

Roy Data is not correct

It is possible that the number of claim-free years in Roy Data is incorrect. For example because your previous insurer registered the wrong number of claim-free years. Do you suspect that this is the case? Then you should contact the insurer who has registered these claim-free years. They can then adjust the correct data. There is no point in contacting Stichting EPS about this. They cannot and should not adjust claim-free years. Do not forget that the information in Roy Data is not always up to date. Claim-free years are only registered when an insurance policy is terminated. If your car insurance is still running, these claim-free years are therefore not yet registered.

Roy Data System

The Roy Data system is the digital database in which insurers register claim-free years. Roy Data is an abbreviation for Claim-free Years Database. If you switch to a new car insurer, they can request your claim-free years and add them to your policy. It is important that the correct number is taken over, because on the basis of this your no-claim discount is calculated. This determines your position on the bonus malus ladder and the premium you will eventually pay. Because Roy Data is a digital system, claims-free years are no longer lost, as was sometimes the case when paper expulsion statements were still used.

Roy Data access

You may request access to your Roy Data via the website of Stichting EPS. You can do so by completing the right of inspection form. Fill in a number of personal details. You should also enclose a copy of your proof of identity. It may take a while before your request is processed and you actually get access to your data. You can only view the claim-free years after termination of the insurance. If your car insurance is still running, these claim-free years are not yet registered in Roy Data. Should you wish to inspect them, please contact your current insurer.

Roy Data register

The Roy Data register is an online database where insurers register your accumulated claim-free years after termination of an insurance policy. This register is accessible for every insurer. When you take out a new car insurance, the insurer can see in the Roy Data register how many claim-free years you have.

Roy Data form

Do you have a question for the EPS Foundation? Then you can contact us by phone or use the contact form on the website. You can also send an e-mail to [email protected]

Roy Data phone number

Tel: 088 - 7781122

Opening hours:

Mon-Fri from 08:30 - 12:00 / 13:00 - 16:00
Sun-Sun: closed

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