How can I request Roy Data claim-free years?
If you have a car insurance in your name, you build up claim-free years. Claim-free years are years during which no damage was claimed by your insurer. Claim-free years are advantageous because the more claim-free years you build up, the more premium discount you will receive. This means that your car insurance will be more advantageous. Claim-free years are now registered in Roy Data. This happens after termination of the insurance. The insurer registers the claim-free years in Roy Data so that they are visible to other insurers. Your new insurer can then add the claim-free years to your policy. Not only insurers can request data in Roy Data. You as the policyholder can do that too. On we explain how you can do this.
What does Roy Data mean?
Roy Data stands for Royalties Declaration Database and is the central database of Stichting Efficient Processes Schadeverzekeraars(Stichting EPS). When you cancel your car insurance, the insurer registers your accumulated claim-free years in the database. When you take out a new car insurance, your new insurer consults Roy Data to see how many claim-free years you have. This way the insurer can grant the right premium discount. Because everything is recorded digitally, you do not need to supply a statement when you take out a new car insurance.
Why are claim-free years registered in Roy Data?
In the past, when you cancelled an insurance policy, you received a cancellation statement. This stated the number of claim-free years you had accrued with the vehicle. This statement was issued once and you had to show it to your new insurer when you took out new car insurance in order to maintain your accrued claim-free years. In this way you could prove your claim-free years.
However, on 1 September 2007, insurers switched to a digital system: Roy Data. Since then, insurers register the accrued claim-free years here, after termination of the insurance. Losing or not receiving the statement is no longer an issue, because all data is registered digitally.
How can I get my claim-free years?
You can request your claim-free years in Roy Data via the website of Stichting EPS. You do this by means of the right of inspection form. Here you fill in your personal details. Then send the form, together with a copy of your proof of identity, digitally. After sending the form, it may take a while before you receive your claim-free years. In most cases this takes a maximum of 28 days.
Please bear in mind that the data are not always up to date. Claim-free years from your current car insurance have not yet been registered and can therefore not be requested via Stichting EPS. You can contact your insurer for this. Your claim-free years are also listed on the policy document that you receive each year from the insurer.
Take out a car insurance policy directly on
Are you planning on taking out a new car insurance? On you can easily compare insurances and calculate an indication of the premium. Do you have negative claim-free years? Then it is sometimes difficult to take out a car insurance with a regular company. In that case you can always turn to De Vereende. De Vereende is specialised in insuring special risks. Do you have any questions? Then please contact us! We will gladly help you insure your car.
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