Roy Data is incorrect: what can I do?
Claim-free years are important when taking out car insurance. They also influence the amount of the premium. The more claim-free years you have, the more premium discount you will get. And that means that your car insurance will be cheaper! The insurer will register your claim-free years in Roy Data after termination of your car insurance. When taking out a new car insurance, it is important that the right number of years are registered in Roy Data. The new insurer checks Roy Data to see how many claim-free years you have and bases the premium discount on this. Is the number of claim-free years in Roy Data not correct? Then it is possible that your previous insurer registered the wrong number of claim-free years. In this article on we tell you what you can do when your registration in Roy Data is not correct.
What data is actually in Roy Data?
In Roy Data's database your claim-free years are registered. Claim-free years are the years in which you have not claimed any damage from your insurer. For every claim-free year you climb one step on the bonus malus ladder. The higher you climb on the bonus malus ladder, the more discount you receive on your premium. Therefore, having claim-free years makes a big difference for the car insurance. By driving without claims, most insurers will give you a discount between 70 and 80%. This makes a big difference in the monthly costs of a car insurance.
Data in Roy Data is not always correct
The data in Roy Data is not always up to date. Claim-free years are only registered when an insurance policy is terminated. Claim-free years that you have accrued during a current car insurance are therefore not registered yet. It is therefore possible that you have built up more claim-free years than Roy Data shows. Have you already claimed with your new car insurance? Then it is possible that you have fallen back on the ladder and have less claim-free years. Keep this in mind when requesting your Roy Data data.
How can I retrieve my data?
Claim-free years from a current car insurance policy can be requested from your current insurer. These data are not yet registered in Roy Data. The insurer always states the number of claim-free years on the policy schedule that you receive annually. If you wish to inspect previous claim-free years, you can do so on the EPS website. To do so, use the right of inspection form. After submitting the form, it may take a while before you receive your claim-free years. In most cases this takes a maximum of 28 days.
How can I adjust it if Roy Data is incorrect?
Do you suspect that your data in Roy Data is not correct? Then you can contact the insurer who has registered these free years in Roy Data. This is the insurer of the car insurance which you terminated last. After consultation the insurer can adjust the incorrect number. There is no point in contacting Stichting EPS about this. Stichting EPS cannot and may not adjust claim-free years. You should therefore always report any incorrect details to the insurer concerned.
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