Can I get car insurance if I am registered as a defaulter?
Maybe it has happened to you as well: you move house and lose a car insurance invoice, causing you to pay too late. Or your bank account is just short of funds when the premium is debited. If you are late in paying your car insurance once, you are not immediately known as a defaulter. However, if you are late in paying several times or do not pay at all, the consequences are significant. If you are registered as a defaulter, chances are you will not be able to get car insurance from a regular insurance company.
If you do not pay an insurance bill, you will first receive a payment reminder from your insurer. After the first reminder, you will receive a second reminder and then possibly a demand for payment. Are you 30 days late with paying? Then the insurer can suspend your car insurance. This means that you are no longer covered and your car is therefore not insured. The insurance is not yet terminated, but 'frozen' as it were.
If you are more than 50 days late paying the premium, your insurer may cancel your car insurance. Cancellation means that the insurer terminates the car insurance. You do not have to pay the insurance premium anymore, but your car is no longer insured.
If the insurer cancels your insurance due to non-payment, this is registered with the CIS Foundation. Stichting CIS registers all insurance data that is important to share. All affiliated insurance companies can consult the database to obtain, store and exchange information about their customers.
Car insurance after non-payment - De Vereende
Getting car insurance when you are registered as a defaulter is quite difficult. When filling in an insurance application, there are always a number of questions such as "Have you ever been refused or cancelled insurance?". If you answer 'Yes' to this question, the insurer will check whether you are registered in the CIS database. If they see that you have a CIS registration for non-payment, most insurers will refuse your application.
In that case you can actually only turn to the insurance company De Vereende. De Vereende was specially founded for insuring special cases and risks. Where regular insurance companies drop out, De Vereende will accept the insurance application. With a broader acceptance policy they accept, in principle, everyone. In this way, you can still obtain car insurance, even if you are registered as a defaulter.
However, you must take into account some costs. With insurance the following always applies: the higher the risk, the higher the premium. De Vereende runs a higher risk than normal and has therefore drawn up a number of conditions for taking out insurance:
- A higher premium
- You must pay three months of premium in advance
- You pay a deposit
Registered as a defaulter? Get car insurance through Alpina
Are you registered as a defaulter, but still want to take out car insurance? Via Alpina, you can easily take out car insurance with De Vereende. You can calculate an indication of the premium online. This way you already have an idea of the monthly costs. After submitting your application, you will receive a final offer from De Vereende. They deliver customized solutions and therefore assess each application separately.
Do you have any questions? Then please do not hesitate to contact us. On Mondays to Fridays from 08.00 to 18.00 you can speak to one of our insurance specialists by telephone. You can reach us at telephone number 088 - 688 37 00. Do you have a question you would like to ask immediately in the evening hours or at the weekend? You can also send us a message via Messenger, WhatsApp or e-mail. We will try to answer your question as soon as possible!
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